San Francisco IndieFest – World Premiere
Screening: San Francisco World Premiere
San Francisco IndieFest World Premiere – Full Clip!
“…when I first read the script, I knew this was going to be something GREAT!” – Joe DeSantis, Assoc. Producer
“IRRESISTABLE Guerilla-Style Filmmaking!” – San Francisco Chronicle
“…everything that epitomizes the perfect INDIE FLICK…” – Michael Skurko – Assoc. Programmer for San Francisco IndieFest
“…Laura did a WONDERFUL JOB! I cried!…”
“…I would Recommend it to ANYONE!”
“….pretty representative of, like, people who are trying to do what they want to do…”
“…I Really Liked The People! They were all very real to me!”
“…Very Warm and Personable…Very Intimate…”
“…It was real, it was Gritty! It was Johnny Montana 100%!”
“…Johnny is totally a guy with PASSION…”
“I LOVED being part of the film…” – Ms. Devon
“…Great Director, Producer, Actor….EVERYTHING!”- Elizabeth English, Director – Moondance International Film Festival